Monday, June 29, 2009

Photoshoot @ Punggol


I had so much fun at the photoshoot yesterday! But i can definitely do without the tons of ant bites that we got. Anyhoo, the start was kinda bad since it began to rain and we had like all 3 cars parked beside one another with windows wind down and we were like shouting across the carpark through the windows! We also caught 5 minutes of Wolverine in the car, thanks to John's Mac. Haha.

Anyhoo, here are some of the shots that i took. The rest of my shots can be found here.










This picture above is my favourite! ((:

Now for the fun shots!
Save water, drink coke!

Clarence: "Or Ice-lemon tea!!!"
The rest stares.

Bromance for you. Can you feel the love tonight~~

It's actually pretty tiring to hold a DSLR like that.

Gerald: "Sigh, paparazzi taking me again.. what's new?" Haha!

People behind the pictures!
Im not that short ok. I had to bend down in order not to block John's head. Pfft.

We all went for prata after. Awesome! I havent had prata for so long. Plaster + Bomb! :9 Im really glad that im getting closer to most of my church mates now. It's really nice talking and catching up with them. Also really nice of them to accept who i am or was and not judge me. Oh yes, and being super friendly towards V and N. I feel the love~~

Anyhoo, me and v are going to be "subjects" for Gerald and Yapster's photography experiments. I cant wait cuz they're like superb and their pictures are awesome! He was like asking me whether i think V would be keen to model for them and i was like.. "i think she more than willing to do so.." Haha! And oh yes, two more weeks of shooting to do, and two more weeks till my my term in SIM start!! Psyched!!!! Okay, nervous.. but still psyched. ((:

Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Change..

So guess what i did today? Or rather yesterday..

Something i never thought i would ever do. This.

And this..

Shocker shocker! I snipped off like 5-6 inches of my hair! Now im having this concave hairstyle. (Check out the little video thingy on the left to see how short it is) Not really fully use to it yet, but digging it. It's time for a change man. It has been YEARS since i have short hair. Like since primary 3 or something. Haha. I wonder how my churchmates are gonna respond to the drastic change later. Hmmm..

Gah, which reminds me. It's almost 5am now and i have to do brunch at 11am odd and a photoshoot later. There goes my "finally can sleep late" - Sunday. But again, everyday feels like a Sunday now. And what more, yesterday was my last exam! Can i hear a woohooo? ((:

Alrighty, i gotta catch some shut eye soon. Asap. Till then! xx

Change is only constant. Good or bad, thats another thing..

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The A and the B

(Pause my player which is at the very bottom of my blog)

Check this out. This was the "original" When You Look Me In The Eyes by Jonas Brothers. The voice which seems like a girl is actually Nick Jonas before puberty. I was super flabbergasted cause the difference is like majorly huge? Does this happen to every guy?! Not puberty cause DUHH everyone hits puberty. I mean the voice! I totally cant believe the guys i know now having that kind of voice last time. Imagine N, Z, J and WJ having this voice makes me... HAHA. But i dont remember J and WJ having this sorta cutesy voice in primary school. Hmm..

Anyhoo, i've learnt that there are two kind of guys in the world after watching this video.

Firstly, there are guys like Jerrel (aka J).
I shared the video with him and he said...
J: "Very cute leh.. awwww" - kinda thing.

And then there are guys like Zac (aka Z).
Whom after i shared the video with, said..
Z: "HOLY SHIT! Sounds like a girl! So faggotish. HAHAHAHAHAHAH. What a FAG!"



I love J! He's sucha amazing best friend. I can tell him any and everything. Was feeling kinda sucky this morning (no idea why) and he always always always manage to cheer me up with his crapiness. And he always make me feel a whole lot better by talking alot of sense into me. Though he's sucha crappy person, he sure can talk a whole lot of sensible stuff! The irony sometimes. But he makes me happy.

Jerrel sends file.
(He sent me a song to cheer me up)

C: Nice uh?
J: Nope. It aint nice in the least bit. I just wanna make you feel uncomfortable. Want to harm your ears. ...... OF COURSE IT'S NICE THEN I SHARE WITH YOU RIGHT?! What kind of question is that?!
C: WTF, hahaha! You make me seem stupid..
J: So sorry my dear. It's just me to do it. Haha!
Thanks uh J.

J, i havent seen you in so long and i miss you superbly much. We talk almost everyday, but still i miss you. You're sucha great best friend/sister to me. Thanks for taking care of me in the 8 years of my life. Like what you said, life is like a wave full of ups and downs. But through those ups and down, you're always here with me. Love you J. And any girl will be so fucking lucky to have you. You're awesome. And... LEGEN... wait for it... DARY! (Haha, How I Met Your Mother rocks our socks)

Love you J. (':

Ghost Of Girlfriends Past

I was like doing some last minute revision just minutes before the paper start and this babe here is busy cam-whoring. Tsk tsk.

1) My "eh, got cute guy"-look. Haha.
2) V camwhoring, whats new?

N got us souvenirs when he was on a little road trip to Malaysia. And seriously, it's darn sweet. I love it and im going to cherish it for life man. Unlike SOME PEOPLE (namely Z) who spells my name as Carrisa, N knows how to spell my name.

C: "What the fuck, until now you dont know how to spell my name?!"
Z: "No... your name is too unique for my poor comprehension.. thats why.. LOL"
Nice come back huh Z?

We went to visit Toby (N's precious)!!

1) V: "You!" T: "No, you!"
2) High five/paw

Toby face says it all. "Save me!"

On our way to catch "Ghost of Girlfriend's Past". I must say it's a very touching and sweet movie. Prolly will teach you a thing or two about love. 4.5 popcorns given!

We were all laughing our asses off at the Gee parody. Again i stress, im not a huge fan for girl bands like Wondergirls or SNSD Girls Generation. BUT when it comes to parodies, damn im a huge fan! When N was showing us this video, i was seriously laughing my guts out. Goddamn funny. Check it out.

(Pause my player which is all the way at the bottom)
Remember to click the bottom right corner to see the english subs. Just follow what the little bubble state at the start. Enjoy! And becareful not to laugh your guts out. ((;

With love.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Ninja Glare

So my friends asked me wassup with the Ninja Glare. You guys should seriously check Nigahiga out man. He is totally awesome! He is a Youtube Comedian. So go youtube-search him. Im like following him on twitter!
Anyhoo, presenting to you the Ninja Glare!
(Pause my playlist all the way at the bottom)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

V's photoshoot

I like this top one best.

Kinda cool how she turned my jacket into a dress no?

Did a shoot for V the other day. Personally, i feel that in terms of photography skills wise, i've improved alot! I guess i can take better shots of those modeled, objects or scenery shoots compared to events. Something im still working on. I saw my recent ZTH shots for this season and felt that it totally sucked. The whole thing was trashed into the recycle bin. So much for waking up at 7 huh?

Anyhoo, have 3 major shoots for the end of this month and the next. I need inspiration and new ideas man. I've got some at the back of my head already but i think i need something... fresh. Afterall, im taking photos with some helluva awesome photographers so can you imagine the amount of stress im dealing with? Yikes.

I guess the shoots and ideas have got to wait. Exams in 3 days time! Cant afford to be so last minute anymore. Need to study my ass off for this one. Case Studies.. gah.


Sunday, June 14, 2009

FML J&C Style.

J was suppose to meet us up yesterday but he smsed and said...

Ok la, i still love you J
Plenty plenty~~

Random: I updated thrice today! Awesome.

Dex's 21st Birthday

I was pretty much in my own world after the party. That's me, high. Damn, had too much to drink. Thank God my friends were there to take care of me. Had to crash at Kristine's place for the night/morning. Thanks guys for taking care of me. Note to self, dont ever accept drinks from strangers ever again. Oh man, i thought i was totally smarter than that. Geez.

I had so much fun at the party! We had like a mini-club in one of the rooms with an actual DJ, smoke and spot lights. I was upstairs when V and N shouted "C! Boom Boom Pow!" Man, you should have seen me. I was running down like a mad person shouting and jumping down the few flight of stairs. Haha. Outside the room was literally a bar. Booze everywhere! Birthday boy was the first goner. Poor V had to take care of the drunkards and the place.

More booze yesterday/today morning. Met up with V, Zachary, K and Cheryl. 2 words. Very entertaining! Especially Zachary, but hey my lips are sealed. Lol. I did things that i wouldnt in my entire life thought i'll ever do! Haha. With the help of Cheryl of course. The last thing i would want is our picture up on Stomp or something. Ha.

Looks like the booze just keeps on coming. Do i hear a "26th June, Attica" calling my name? ((;