I had so much fun at the photoshoot yesterday! But i can definitely do without the tons of ant bites that we got. Anyhoo, the start was kinda bad since it began to rain and we had like all 3 cars parked beside one another with windows wind down and we were like shouting across the carpark through the windows! We also caught 5 minutes of Wolverine in the car, thanks to John's Mac. Haha.
Anyhoo, here are some of the shots that i took. The rest of my shots can be found here.
This picture above is my favourite! ((:
Now for the fun shots!
Save water, drink coke!
Clarence: "Or Ice-lemon tea!!!"
The rest stares.
The rest stares.
Bromance for you. Can you feel the love tonight~~
It's actually pretty tiring to hold a DSLR like that.
Gerald: "Sigh, paparazzi taking me again.. what's new?" Haha!
People behind the pictures!
Im not that short ok. I had to bend down in order not to block John's head. Pfft.
We all went for prata after. Awesome! I havent had prata for so long. Plaster + Bomb! :9 Im really glad that im getting closer to most of my church mates now. It's really nice talking and catching up with them. Also really nice of them to accept who i am or was and not judge me. Oh yes, and being super friendly towards V and N. I feel the love~~
Anyhoo, me and v are going to be "subjects" for Gerald and Yapster's photography experiments. I cant wait cuz they're like superb and their pictures are awesome! He was like asking me whether i think V would be keen to model for them and i was like.. "i think she more than willing to do so.." Haha! And oh yes, two more weeks of shooting to do, and two more weeks till my my term in SIM start!! Psyched!!!! Okay, nervous.. but still psyched. ((: