Saturday, June 06, 2009

Surprise Surprise..

Im exhausted. A nap would do wonders but im trying to re-adjust my body clock right now so im gonna try to stay awake for as long as i can till my eyes/brain bail out on me. Furthermore, i think it's time for me to finally open my beloved Sims 3 which has been nicely nested on my table for quite awhile now. ((:

The exam was quite a breeze. Phew, thank God. And damn, we didnt manage to catch NATM2 again!!! The theatre was all fully booked/left with separate seats/front row. Total suckfest cuz i was really psyched about it. Pfft.

It's a Saturday today but yet i couldnt stand the exhaustion that was slowly taking over my entire body. Had to cab home. Can you believe it? Home on a freaking saturday? Even Kristine was like.. "You're home so early? So unlike you.." I know right? But ah well, im looking forward to tomorrow because im going shoppingggggggg! I need more clothes, more bags, more shoes, more accessories and also more space to put my stuff. Im running out of space (!!), it's depressing. My closet is officially packed. And so is my little "walk-in" wardrobe on the second floor. I hope my folks dont realize the plastic bags filled with new clothes covering my bedroom floor. 0 0

Oh yes, im finally filling my planner again. I found it on my table (under the piles of other plastic bags) and when i flipped through it i was like.. "damn it has been awhile.." For two months it was there left untouched. I even found a post it note in it saying "plz dont waste money and use me". Haha, must have been pretty bored that day.

Alright, i shant wait any longer and start opening my beloved Sims 3. I have been waiting for this moment since last year. Finally....