Saturday, July 04, 2009


Wassup wassup. I just came home not long ago from Indo Chine. We celebrated my motherfucking bestbestbestbestestfriend's, J, birthday in advance. Been so long since all of us met up but too bad WJ couldnt make it. Bummer. But i swear J's friend, Keith, is super duper extremely WJ-ish. His every expression, action and even the way he talk/crap around is totally like WJ!! Haha. But yes, I miss WJ. Meet up with us soon dude!



Anyhoo, V went to cut bangs! Haha. Something different and now she hates it when people call her cute. Haha. V HO, you bloody cute now.


And damn, i got the shock of my life yesterday. I thought i lost my precious phone in the cab but thank God it was in Kristine's house. Phew! And Double U smsed me but i didnt reply etcetera. He felt down. ): But somehow i had the urge/feeling to come back online even if it was 3am odd to talk to J and play poker then tadaaaa, he came online. But yea, shall spare you guys the details. Haha.


Woohoo, Chermaine is sending me the pictures for J's party. More with Junwen! And J, i hope you had a motherfucking time!! Love ya. ((: