Lol. Love letters are out now. Love-emails are in! Upgrade already. Haha.
Received a super sweet email from baby today. He damn cute. Kept hinting me to check my mails. Even sent me another email so that i would check my inbox. Lol! He says that im slow... like i didnt catch any of the hints he was sending out. Haha, sorry la baby. d:
Y'know, sometimes i really do wonder what i did to deserve someone like him. Or to even be able to call him mine. After so much sufferings, so many wrong guys, he was the only one who seemed so right. The day i met him.. i dont know why it seemed just very fated that i ended up there. Wasnt planned or anything. Infact, our (v, n and me) initial plan was screwed so we ended up some place else to meet up with other friends and somehow our paths crossed, intertwined. And im very very thankful for that day, and also for having him in my life. Always am, always will be. ((:
Im overwhelmed with gratitude. Sweet baby, im so thankful i found you JT..