Sunday, August 02, 2009

Sim people + Baby!


Dammit. Tomorrow i have lessons for the whole freaking day! 930am-1230pm, 2pm-5pm. As if 3hours aint long enough already. Geez. But yea, who am i to complain? Poly students have been studying for the whole day all year round! Seriously, i dont know how they do it. I guess im very use to the whole 3-hours(or less)-in-school timing. Hmm..




Im very thankful that my classmates are such nice people. Y'know, since sometimes i can be a very.. anti-social person. Thats why V and J made sure i wasnt giving my usual what-the-fuck-are-you-looking-at face by texting me throughout during my first day. Especially J. He kept smsing me retarded stuffs to make me laugh and i looked like im laughing to myself like some retard. Hope no one saw though. Reputation ruined! But, im pretty surprised that we can all get along pretty great for people whom barely know each other for a month. ((:

Me and Michelle!
The very first friend i made in class. Haha!

I'm just that hardworking. Haha!

Unlike this two..
Competing each other in some psp game. Tsk tsk!

Michelle drew this. The whole clique! ^^
Cant help but to LOL everytime i look at the drawing of Fang Qi cuz she has braces. Haha!

Anyhoo, im stuck home on a Sunday. Great... Im still thinking whether i should head out, or not. Feel like catching The Hangover. Heard pretty good reviews about it but dont know if the boyfriend want to catch it with me or not. Must have a schedule/appointment with him since he's so busy! Still tell me will only meet me if my "performance" is good. According to him, my "result" is now 3/10. Lol. He keeps complaining that im too quiet or i stare blankly into space too much. Keep praising himself, saying 90% of the time is him talking/initiating. Then he decided to give me "discount", say "ok lah, 89%" - which is so not true! He's more of the "cannot sit still and enjoy the peace and serenity" - sort. MUST fidget and talk. He cannot keep quiet for 5 minutes. LOL. And he calls me weird. Hmph.

Have you ever met someone who can FALL ASLEEP while msn-ing half way?! Damn funny, he can just wait for my reply and fall asleep!! Sigh. Im starting to think whether what he say about me being too boring for him is true, since he can fall asleep on me for FOUR TIMES. Sighhhhhhhh. (Guilty yet baby? Heehee)

Ok lah, i give him credit. Since he always sleep so late cuz he was busy talking on the phone with me, then not enough sleep, then wake up early to book out to meet me. Ok lah, give you discount also. Haha! ^^

C: Sigh. Stay home on a Sunday so boring.
JT: Why? Are you hinting me to go out with you? (;
C: LOL. Go out with you still must have appointment, still must see performace. So troublesome. Haha!
JT: You no need. Express service. Anytime you want, can slot you in!

Suddenly so good.. abit worried.
HAHA! d: