I finally get to catch up with N! It has been nearly a month now that the three of us went out together, my PIC (partners in crime). Some things just never change. In a good way of course! Still equally close, still damn crap, always high and hyped up, and of course, always there for one another. Though we dont meet up as much as we use to, me with school, V with work and N in NS, we're still as tight! ♥
HK Cafe - Being nuisances in 7-eleven - Chilling and crapping till early morning - Desserts
Lol. He looked like he just won a pageant or something. Haha.
World peace!
Huge-ass ice-cream for you?
I love the long weekends. Really helped me clear my mind about certain stuffs, which was really what i needed. Sadly, the long weekend is almost over. Kinda dread having to think about the amount of workload i have to be done. Gah.. But oh well, shall save those worries up for next time. Right now, im going to enjoy the long weekend till it lasts. First time i was able to meet baby 3 times a week (double date with V&D - Saturday, Zoo + NDP - Sunday, G.I Joe - Monday)! We usually meet only once or twice a week. Kinda little, but always enjoyable and fun! ((: Meeting him later again for G.I Joe! Shall leave the booking of tickets to him since the other time we were suppose to watch The Hangover (super awesome!) at Vivo but ended up booking at Great World City instead. Lol! Second time this has happen. I wonder if im really that blur.. /:
Alrighty, time to hit the sheets. My eyes are bailing out on me as i type. Xoxo.
Babe, know that i'll always be there for you physically and emotionally be it whatever the reason is. From problems to Chanel bags to lamb chops or your weird cravings, i'll always be there for you. Till today, im still superbly thankful for having you in my life. And there wont be a day that i wont be thankful. You've seen me in my best and worst moments. When i was happy and all, you were happy for me, sharing my joy. When i was upset or down, you never fail to assure me, or even cry with me. Through it all, you've always been there for me. You've seen the best of me no matter what and you consistantly had faith in me even when i felt like shit sometimes. Dont ever apologize or what when need me to be there for you because without a doubt, i'll be there. You're one of the bestest friend anyone can have and i love you!! (': I'll be your shoulder to cry on. For yesterday, for the next and whenever you need me.
With much love and always here for you,
- C