Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Long weekend..

It's like.. in a blink of an eye and the long weekend is gone. Just like that. It's back to hitting the books for me again, along with my assignments and projects that what seem to be piling up! Shant continue to be a last minute person, also together with my "2 days before exams than study" - attitude. I need to start being productive! But alas, always easier said than done..

Though the long weekend is officially over, i really did enjoy spending more time with baby. With him being in NS, at most we meet up twice a week. Kinda depressing, but we got to do alot of stuffs this week. Like double dates, watching the NDP together, G.I Joe and also visiting the Zoo! I like smelling of him at the end of the day. Does that sound sick or what? Lol! We were suppose to head to Batam, but scratched that. We figured it would be too crowded anyways. Shall plan for another getaway some time during year end. & oh yes, my precious camera came back safely after a trip with my brother to Taiwan. My dad was like.. "you care more about your camera than you do about your brother.." Haha!

Saw this picture. Isnt it too adorable to be eaten?! Lol.
