Saturday, August 22, 2009



C says: 6pm @ Orchard ok!
JT says: See your performance first. Pledge your loyalty to Arsenal, then i will go out with you.
C says: NEVERRRRRRR! Manchester United FTW!
JT says: Ok loh.. you stay at home tonight..
C says: *poke poke* )):
- no reply at all -
C says: Okay loh.. sigh.. i go do my stuff.. byebye..
- C's status is now Away -
JT says: LOL! Why baby? Playing with you la..
C's AutoMessage: not here cuz my bf refuse to reply me cuz i dont want to be an arsenal fan. sigh. my life is just that sad...
JT: OI! Hahahahah.

Am going to meet BB later! He's ignoring me for sleep now. Haha! We're going to the arcade and to play lan!! Haha!!!! I know right?

C says: Im going to thrash you!!
JT says: Of course you will win me. Ahlian always go arcade one what..

Such an insult!! @:
Im going to throw bricks at him. Such happiness.. HAHA! ^^
And oh yes.. Arsenal is going to lose in their match tonight, and Manchester United is soooo going to win Wigan.