Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Glory Glory Man United!

JT says: Ok, we shall see. If manu lose, you'll be sleeping in the living room tonight.
C says: Huh.. ):
JT says: Unless you beg me, say manu sucks, then my room door is open for you. HAHAHAHAH.
JT says: Ok, i go clean my sofa now.
C says: )):

BUT GUESS WHAT?! Haha. Turns out Manchester United vs Arsenal 2-1. Scored by my beloved Rooney and the other was an own goal. Caught the match with BB at his place after catching Final Destination in 3D. Stayed over at his place and i love his room! Super nice. Shall make him sleep in the living room next time and conquer it all to myself! Shall come up with a plan.. Hiak hiak.

Anyhoo, the match was intense! First goal scored was by Arsenal and BB was all psyched and im like "oh fuck!" The last goal scored by them during the last few minutes, was "arghhhhhhs! omg wtf?". But phew, thank god it was an off-side. Haha. Suckers. Manchester United FTW! I even slept in my Man Utd jersey. GLORY GLORY MAN UTD! Ha.

Oh yes. I realise my bf is slowwwww.
JT says: I go download the new Windows Live Messenger. (He was using the old school version)
C says: Lol, you're wols.
JT says: What's wols?
C says: ............ LOL

I think he fell asleep on me again. He can fall asleep in less than 5minutes time, so it doesnt mean i'm boring. It's just that he falls asleep easily. No, i'm not consoling myself and am not in self-denial. Pfft. But i dont deny i love watching him fall asleep. Somehow it captivates me, and i find it.. intriguing. I secretly lie on his chest sometimes just to hear his heartbeat and run my fingers through his hair. I make mini-mohawks and then giggle to myself. Like a retard, he always says. Sometimes he catches me in the act when i look at him in amazement. His blurry eyes looking at me all confused, wondering what's there for me to be staring at for so long. Sometimes, i wish he can see himself through my eyes. Fascinating, amazing, wonderful, intriguing.. ((:


JT says: Seconds seem like minutes, hours seem like days when im not with you..
C says: But im not going anywhere BB. No matter how long. Always gonna be here for you.
