Kahei, Me, Michelle and Fangqi.
Play spot the difference. ^^
Yes, i jumped in heels.
Group photo!
Huge ass group photo! ((:
Overall, the presentation was a success! Phew. Some of my classmates said i talked a tad too fast, but my lecturer didnt comment on me about that so i guess it was... okay? Hope so. I really hate presentations sometimes. But glad im over and done with it. Still have two projects left. Three to be exact, if im including the one in MDIS anyways. Yea, MDIS cuz i failed a module there that's why i'm still stuck there remoduling. Gah. But it will all be over soon! 3 more weeks! Woohoooooo. I can kiss MDIS goodbye, officially. ^^
Am really gonna miss my SIM classmates. Too bad i wont be staying in SIM for my second dip. Will be heading to Kaplan next year. Arghs, long story. But long story short, was planning to take a degree in SIM after the diploma i'm taking now, but the degree requires me to head over to Swiss for a year. Not planning on going. I'm only taking this dip now cuz it's required for my degree. But since i'm not even going for the degree, that's way i'll drop out of SIM and head over to Kaplan to get an advance dip + degree instead in merely 2 years time. Faster, no? Haha, complicating but everyone is being supportive, so yup.. future all planned out. Work hard people. ((: