Thursday, September 03, 2009

Rain rain..


I love rainy days. But only when i'm indoors. I like the smell of rain, dont you? I'm currently in school with this few bunch of people. Project after projects, and presentations. God, i hate presentations. I tend to talk a tad too fast and my words come out like word vomit. I tend to play around with my tongue stud as well. Lol. Bad habits.

One thing good coming out from this presentation is that i can find an excuse to get my Ralph Lauren shirt. MUST.GET.IT! Hiak. I had this urge to shop this morning. But i've to stop spending. Was msn-ing with Gladys for like half an hour thinking whether i should get some stuffs online or not. I'll feel regretful if i dont get it, but on the other hand feel guilty if i do. Wassup with that? Gah. Almost caused us to be late for school again. Lol.

I'm going to catch The Time Traveler's Wife tomorrow with bb. Loved the book and from the looks of the trailer, it looks superb! Psyched psyched psyched! :D