Monday, September 28, 2009

Social House

Sup sup. I've been super busy lately juggling time with my bf, homies, school driving license etc. Time has past by pretty quickly actually. The year is already coming to an end, oh my gosh. My MDIS exam is coming in 3 weeks time and i've to do well and get it over with so i can get my diploma and proceed to get my degree. Chop chop curry pork!

The previous week was pretty much a blur. But i went ice-skating with BB on Saturday after catching a 12pm-ish movie at Plaza Sing. Can you believe it? 12pm-ish and i'm already in town? Normally i'll still be catching some snooze. Lol. Ice-skating was fun except the fact that my beloved boyfriend made several attempts to make me fall. Some boyfriend he is. Hmph.

Social House with the usuals after. ((:

Two of the lovers of my life!

V wants to kiss me too. Lol.

The two drunkards of the day! Lol.

I realised that i didnt do anything rather productive this year at all. Quite slack throughout i suppose? But i guess i better enjoy it while i still can. Once i start school next year at a whole new different level, i guess i would be drowning in the massive workload and stress. Just the thought of it makes me.. gah.

Oh well, like i said, enjoy while i still can. Cheers! ((;